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DLPC900 JTAG Flash Programming

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DLPC900

I am having trouble with programming the DLPC900 via the JTAG interface.  I have to assume that I'm doing something wrong because I cannot get it to work on either my custom board or on my DLP 6500 EVM.  I have followed the steps listed in the DLP LightCrafter 6500 and 9000 EVM User's Guide section 3.10 JTAG Flash Programming.  I have made the following connections on the FTDI UM232H and EVM: Jumper USB to 5v0, Jumper 3v3 to VIO, GND to J10 pin 6, AD0 to J10 pin 5, AD1 to J10 pin 2, AD2 to J10 pin 4, AD3 to J10 pin 3 and AD4 to J10 pin 1.  (Could someone please verify these connections for me?)  I have connected the jumper on J9 but not J11 on the 6500 EVM.  When I apply power to the EVM I see only D8 illuminated.  On the EM232H LED1 is illuminated and not LED2. 

I am running the JTAG Flash Programmer from DLPC900REF-SW-2.0.  When I click Detect Chain I get:

I have selected the board file that was included with the application.  I assume this is correct.  I have tried cross-connecting the TDI and TDO lines just in case I had them revered but this had no effect other than sometimes getting a message stating "Error in synchronizing the MPSSE" followed by the error shown above.

I'm using the FTDI driver from their website.  The tool detects the UM232H device because I get an error from the tool if it's not connected when I try to run the app.  Is there any other configuration I need to do on the UM232H or elsewhere to get this to work?

I have checked my connections numerous times and am starting to pull my hair out on this one so any help would be greatly appreciated.  I've seen a few other mentions of this problem elsewhere on the e2e community and the result has always seemed to be "check your connections" and I've done that.  Is there anything else that I'm missing?  I did add my own connector to the UM232H because the connection was loose when I used the header that was pre-installed due to the thin pins.  I have verified the continuity though and am satisfied with the connection.

For reference, other mentions of this issue:

Thanks for the help.



  • It would appear that my error message and setup images did not paste properly.  Here they are.

    Board setup:

    Error Message:

  • Hi Tim,

    We will try to replicate the issue others have seen with the JTAG programmer not consistently detecting the board. If your JTAG programmer is wired correctly, others have said that it should detect the board after a few tries. Try disconnecting and reconnecting (power as well as USB).

    If this does not work, the error is likely due to a wiring issue.

    Let me know if you are able to get the DLPC900 to detect via JTAG.

    Best regards,
  • Hi Trevor,

    I'm having exactly the same issues like Tim's right now. I've also tried to disconnect and reconnect them several times but I still get the errors from JTAG programmer as shown above.

    On the DLP lightcrafter 6500 board, only the leds D8 and D9 are on. It can not be recognized by PC via USB. So I'm guessing the firmware got currupted.

    I'm sure my wiring is correct for the 6 pins, but on the UM232H only the LED 1 is on (for the power). LED2 (Tx and Rx) is off. Do you have any suggestions? Thank you for the help.
