DLPDLCR160CPEVM: Image display from microSD

Part Number: DLPDLCR160CPEVM


In the demo firmware for the DLPDLCR160CPEVM, each bitmap image from the microSD card is displayed by filling the screen in horizontal lines starting from the bottom. It takes a couple seconds for this "rolling shutter" to finish, and for each bitmap to be fully loaded onto the screen.

It would be preferable if the entire image was displayed instantaneously. Is there a way to do this? This issue was also referenced in the linked post: e2e.ti.com/.../dlpdlcr160cpevm

Secondly, it appears the longest time that the current firmware can show a particular bitmap is ~ 50 seconds. Can this time limit be increased in any way?


  • Hello User,

    Our expert in the team will look into your question and get back to you by the end of next week. 



  • Hello User,

    The "rolling shutter" is due to the MCU reading image content, converting it, and sending the data to the controller. This process is may be sped up but there will still be this visual effect.

    We have not tested how long content can be displayed. Is there a target time that you want to achieve with this EVM? 



  • Hello John,

    The system is able to display its preloaded images almost instantaneously, with no "rolling shutter" artifact -- I assume this is accomplished by loading the data from flash into the SSD1963 framebuffer first. Only images being displayed out of the microSD card have the undesirable effect.

    I'd prefer to hold a static image on the display indefinitely, or until a button is pressed. Realistically, 30 minutes would be long enough to evaluate image quality, the current ~ 50 seconds is too short.


  • Hello User,

    The system is able to display its preloaded images almost instantaneously, with no "rolling shutter" artifact -- I assume this is accomplished by loading the data from flash into the SSD1963 framebuffer first. Only images being displayed out of the microSD card have the undesirable effect.

    Splash image content that is included with the controller FW is stored in flash memory. It does not need to go through the SSD1963. The GUI demo does have its graphics generated by the MSPM0, but does not require the MCU to read, convert, and send data to the SSD1963. The process for the SD card image function just takes a longer amount of time to display and results in the rolling shutter. There is no resolution to have an image instantly display at this point.

    I'd prefer to hold a static image on the display indefinitely, or until a button is pressed. Realistically, 30 minutes would be long enough to evaluate image quality, the current ~ 50 seconds is too short.

    The team can look into the current display time limitations of the of the EVM. We can see if we have any recommendations for how you can modify the MSPM0 code for you use case.



  • Hello User,

    Currently the MSPM0 code has some arguments that control how long an image will be displayed when using the microSD card function.

    out-of-box_demo.c has argv1 implemented for the delay. If you use F3 key you can search for how this function is being used. 

    You could edit the code and try to use the onboard push button to cycle through images on the EVM.



  • I appreciate the suggestion -- thanks for the pointer to the code.

    I'll leave this open for a short time in case I need help with the modifications.