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TI-API: Subscription notification content

Part Number: TI-API

I am looking to test the subscription system and have set up an endpoint which catches the test sent from


Currently I am just writing the received data to a log but there is no data in the POST. Is there anyway to test this or do we need to just set up subscriptions and wait for an actual response to fire?

I've also added a few parameters and additional headers to api settings in the user panel but these are not sent with the test message except for the token x-api-key. Is this the correct behaviour for the test?

I can see the data schema for what should be received on a proper call but I would like to test.


  • Chris,

    There is a test example on the TI store inventory subscription API page that you can execute (POST /store/subscription/inventory)  You will need to click on the "Authorize" button to provide your credentials in order to execute this API (step #1 in the diagram below). Then click on "Try it out" (step #2).  We have provided a part number for you to use in the test, for your convenience (step #3).  However, if you have a part number you want to test with you can change it.  Then, click on "Execute".  I

    If you want to know more about the parameters for the subscription API, please reference this FAQ:  How can I be notified when a product is stocked up.

    Please let me know if this does not answer you question. 

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