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TCAN1043HG-Q1: Abnormal phenomenon confirmation

Part Number: TCAN1043HG-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCAN1043


        External Connection Description of TCAN1043:  INH pin is NC state.

 Two operating:

            State 1: After power-on, WAKE pulls to high, works for a period of time, and then pulls en and STB pins to low. The MCU enters the low power mode. This state of sending data on the bus can successfully wake up the MCU.

            State 2: Power on, do not operate, work for a period of time, then pull WAKE to high level, en and STB to low level, at this time, MCU enters low power consumption. This state bus data does not wake up the MCU.


            1. Why do different timing of wake pin pulling to high level lead to different results?

            2. Actual measurement, why the MCU of state 1 is 100uA more than that of state 2 in the low-power state?

  • Hi Rain,

    I'm not sure I understand your description. Can you please include some more details in your description:

    • What is the state of the INH signal during the not good case? When the device is in Sleep mode, INH will be off (high-Z). When the transceiver wakes from Sleep mode into Standby mode, INH will assert high. INH will remain high in all operational modes. INH only goes off when the device goes to Sleep mode (EN = high, nSTB = low). 
    • Are you trying to put the transceiver into Sleep mode during this test? Sleep mode is achieved by setting EN = high, nSTB = low. This puts the device into go-to-sleep mode and then Sleep mode. Your description shows EN = nSTB = low which would put the device in Standby mode (INH remains high). During Standby mode, the WAKE pin will have no impact on the INH output. 

    1. The DC state of the WAKE pin should not matter. This pin is edge sensitive, so resting high or low does not change device behavior. Only a transition on this pin creates a wake event.  

    2. The difference in current may be based on the transceiver mode. If the transceiver is in Standby mode, it will draw more current and leave INH asserted high. This may leave other components in the system on to draw more current. If the transceiver is in Sleep mode, it will draw less current and turn INH off. This most often turns off other components and saves more power. 

    I cannot see the image you shared. Can you please try to share again? It may work better to use Insert->Image/Video/file and upload the image directly. 

    Eric Schott