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TLK10022: TLK10022 EVM config and BER testing issue

Part Number: TLK10022

BER-test configuration.docx


I use TLK10022 EVM board and GUI for BER testing, the config is discribe in the document, please help to check why the result is NAN and how to config, thanks. 

  • Hi,

    Thank you for the detailed configuration in your document!  I am looking into this and will provide an update by the end of this week.



  • Hi, Drew

                Looking for your update, Thanks.

  • Hi,

    I apologize for the delay, I am still looking into this.


  • It's very Urgent and block our development, need your feedback Asap. Thanks

  • Hi,

    Sorry about the delay on this.

    I was able to replicate your problem and found that by enabling the test pattern generation and verification on the "Operation Mode Cfg" page, the "NaN" status on the BER Testing page disappeared.  If doing this doesn't resolve your issue, please let me know.



  • Hi, Drew

     Please show me  your BER testing page.

    When I config that you mentioned above, the BER is not NAN ,but it's always ERROR because error counter is growing. Does this mean the function of TLK10022 is wrong? How to get Error Counter 0 or loopback correct?  Thanks.

  • Hi,

    My BER testing page looked that same as what you have shown.  This is expected since there is no input to the LS lanes.  Note for the Channel B HS error counter, the count is 0.  This is because we have this channel in a loopback configuration.  You would also need to place the LS lanes in a loopback configuration for the error counter to function.



  • Hi, Drew

          When I  disconnect HS wire,  the BER of HS is 65535, It's right, I think 4 lanes of LS are conbine to HS TX, and send to HS RX, and divide to 4 LS, then compare LS lane0 RX to LS lane0 TX. why I disconnected HS wire, the LS lane0 still 0? 

  • Hi,

    I believe the test pattern generation and verification for each HS and LS lane are independent.  Your current result makes since because the lane 0 PRBS data is being transmitted by Lane 0 TX and  received by Lane 0 RX.  In this test case, the PRBS data is not sourced to the LS lanes from the HS channel.

