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TSER953: Mipi lane data rate

Part Number: TSER953


from TSER953 datasheet I got a maximum 832 Mbps Mipi data rate (per CSI-2 lane). This is a problem if we need to directly connect TSER953 CSI port to Mipi image sensors such as IMX296/7, which can not be configured to lower speed than ~1120 Msps (single lane output only). It is not a matter of required port bandwidth, well below TSER953 capabilities, we are just talking about lane rate. Strangely, the same TSER953 datasheet says that the component is compliant to D-PHY v1.2 standard, which requires up to 2.5 Gbps/lane. Could you possibly confirm that this 832 Mbps is a real constraint to be taken into account for TSER953? If this is the case, which strategies would you suggest to handle fast sensors (up to 1.5 Gbps/lane, single lane output) with TSER953? 

Many thanks in advance
