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TPD6E05U06: How to calculate the TVS TPD6E05U06 max value of power consumption?

Part Number: TPD6E05U06

Hi team, 

May I know how to calculate the TPD6E05U06 max value of power consumption?

Can I use the “max voltage” * “max current” in TLP measurement?

And what is the TLP Plot  IO to GND means shown as below? 




  • May I know how to calculate the TPD6E05U06 max value of power consumption?

    The max power dissipation for an 8/20us pulse which has a duration longer than an ESD event is 40Watts which is located in the Abs Max table of the device datasheet. 

    Can I use the “max voltage” * “max current” in TLP measurement?

    If you want to calculate the max power for the TLP condition you can take the max current for TLP (Imax) = ~29A and Max Clamping Voltage for TLP (Vclamp) = ~36V, and Imax x Vclmap = 29A x 36V = 1044W @ TLP Condition of 100ns pulse width with 200ps rise time. 

    And what is the TLP Plot  IO to GND means shown as below? 

    The TLP plots shows the diode breakdown characteristics of the device during a Transmission Line Pulse event.