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TIC10024-Q1: max current conditions

Part Number: TIC10024-Q1

Hello e2e team, 

For the TIC10024-Q1 MSDI, I need some clarification about the conditions to have a  max power supply current of 7mA, as you can see in the picture bellow when mentioning that all switches open it means the internal ones or the external that we are connecting to the device ?

Is this 7mA taking in consideration the wetting current delivered to the inputs ?

Thank you,


  • Anubha,

    Your two questions are related. It is assuming all external switch connections are open. Even in continuous mode, the SW's that you circled are still closing in sequence to poll the switch connections. The description of "continuous" just refers to the source or sink current being applied. Thus, it is assuming that there is not a current source/sink through an external closed or partially closed switch.

