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DS280BR820: How to use IBIS-AMI model of DS280 by adjusting all 3 kinds of parameters [pre,main,post] at same time

Part Number: DS280BR820

Hello team,

I evaluate the IBIS-AMI model of DS280BR820 at ADS.

But I could not get the reasonable waveform when I used Adjust Limiting (FIR) Mode by adjusting
Is this AMI model designed to work properly? Or are there any rate limits available?

I could get reasonable waveform by using only 2 kinds of parameters [pre,main] or [post,main].
And I could get reasonable waveforme by using all 3 kinds of parameters by using actual EVM.

Also,I analayzed by using only AMI-Tx extracted from the original AMI model.
So,I send you these results.

Sincerely yours,


  • Greetings Fumiyaso-San,

    Typically, as noted in figure 3 of the DS280BR820 user guide, there is idea transmitter generating data pattern and then there is some transmission media between this idea transmitter and DS280BR820. In your schematic you are using DS280BR820 as the ideal transmitter - not realistic. Essentially pre and post settings you've used compensates for the DS280BR820 package s-parameter.

    Suggestion is to follow figure 3 of the EVM user guide or use ASIC or FPGA IBIS-AMI file for the ideal transmitter. Further use transmission media s-parameter models on both input and outputs of the BR820. Then fine tune pre/post setting to optimize output eye diagram at the output of the ideal receiver or customer RX model.
