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DS25CP114: Behavior of OUT+, OUT- when IN+ and IN- close to.

Part Number: DS25CP114

According to data sheet for DS25CP113/114, OUT+ and OUT- are not defined unless abs(IN+ - IN-)>=100[mV].

Then I have a question what voltage OUT+ and OUT- output, when abs(IN+ - IN-)<100[mV]. (As a premise, OUT+ and OUT- are tied each other with 100[ohm] termination.)

 I observed with real circuit behavior of IN+ and IN- difference closed to 2[mV]. And I found OUT+ and OUT- seemed to be Hi-Z; OUT+ rises to 1.2[V]+175[mV] gradually, OUT- falls to  1.2[V]-175[mV] gradually. But I don't have confidence to my guesses...