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DS25BR150: convert mipi csi-2 signals to lvds

Part Number: DS25BR150

Hi ti team,

  I try to use DS25BR150 to convert MIPI CSI-2 signals to LVDS on the FPGA without native MIPI D-PHY IO support. For HS of MIPI CSI-2, it meets DS25BR150's datasheet. For LP of MIPI CSI-2, with its 1.2V swing, I am npt sure whether meet the max. |VID| = 1V in DS25BR150's datasheet.

  LP does not need to be convert by DS25BR150 and is going to connect to FPGA directly or with single ended level shift. I am just worried about if 1.2V swing can damage DS25BR150's IN+ and IN-.

  Looking forward to ti team's check.   

  • Hi,

    The DS25BR150 can't support MIPI CSI-2 to LVDS and unfortunately we do not have a MIPI CSI-2 to LVDS solution in our product portfolio. The 1.2V won't damage the part since the absolute max rating for the LVDS part is -0.3V to 4V. 

    But the DS25BR150 does not have a LP RX to support the transition of LP state to HS state.



  • Hi David,

       Thanks to your quick reply.

       For LP, it connects to FPGA as shown:

     So that, LP does not need to be convert by DS25BR150. DS25BR150 is used to only shift MIPI HS electric level to LVDS level of FPGA side.

     During LP status when MIPI output, LP_P, LP_N will be such as 11,01,00 to enter HS mode. When in 01 code, does DS25BR150 consider it as |VID| which excess max. 1V in datasheet?

  • Hi,

    VID = VIA - VIB, so with 1.2V LP, yes, you will exceed the 1V VID which will be outside of absolute max rating. 

    I am also worried about your HS signal integrity when you try to split the signal into the DS25BR150 and FPGA. The MIPI is not intended to drive two inputs.

    Again, the DS25BR150 is not the right solution for MIPI CSI-2 to LVDS.

