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DS90UB913Q-Q1: 20 meter long cable to transmit I2S audio signal

Part Number: DS90UB913Q-Q1

Our application only needs to transmit audio I2S, and the distance is 20 meter.

I found DS90UB913A can be reached to 25 meter.

But it looks like for camera interface, is it suitable for transferring I2S data?

If yes, how many I2S channels can be supported and how are they connected?

if no, could you recommend a suitable component that supports 20m I2S data transmission.

  • Hello Vic,

    Yes, you may transmit any type of digital formatted data, for example I2S, on the parallel interface. For I2S audio, you will need at least 3 pins: I2S_WC, I2S_CLK, I2S_DATA.

    For more details, please refer to this App note.

  • Hello Hamzeh

    Thanks for your reply.

    In the APP note, It shows the specific pin number of the I2S. However, these pins are all GPO, not parallel interface

    Can I use the following UB913 pins(parallel interface) for I2S signals? How is the software configured?
    for exapmle:
    I2S_WC(DIN0 #pin19)
    I2S_CLK(DIN1 #pin20)
    I2S_DATA(DIN2 #pin21)

    or I need to use UB913 GPO for I2S signals?
    for exapmle:
    I2S_WC(GPO0 #pin15)
    I2S_CLK(GPO3 #pin18)
    I2S_DATA(GPO1 #pin16)

  • Hello Vic,

    you can use either method. If you use the DIN pins, there is no special configs needed.

    If you use the GPIO pins, then you should configure those SER GPIOs as inputs and the exact same DES GPIOs as outputs.