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TLIN1441-Q1: Mistakenly entering PIN mode from SPI mode when voltage changes slowly

Part Number: TLIN1441-Q1

Dear experts,

As we all kown, LDO outputs voltage not starting from 5V.  And 1441 will check which mode to enter when Vsup >=UVsup, Vcc > UVcc. 

When VCC is increase very slowly at power on or at UVcc event recovery, and our MCU can work normally before VCC < UVcc, there is some chance that 1441 will enter into PIN mode, not SPI mode as expected. Because the nCS pin may be low when the mode check happens. 

How could this problem be solved?



  • Ying,

    Is PIN mode ever desired in this application? If not, is it possible to place a weak pull-up on pin 9 so that it will have a known state prior to the MCU fully booting up?


    Eric Hackett

  • Hi Eric,

    It's SPI mode. Could you provide the voltage range of PIN9 high and low?

    And if the VCC increase slowly, and the MCU starts communicate with 1441 before UVCC, PIN9 will be low at that time, how so?

    Dose the UVCC monitor can cover this problem?

    Besides, when 1441 jump into sleep mode, the LDO off means no output of VCC or VCC is not 5V, in both PIN mode and SPI mode?



  • Ying,

    I was confused at first, but now I understand, so if your MCU is capable of working prior to the TLIN1441-Q1 fully powering up, couldn't the MCU be used to drive pin 9 high and placing it in SPI mode as VSUP is ramping? Once VSUP crossed the UVVSUP threshold is when the state of pin 9 will be checked.


    Eric Hackett 

  • Hi Eric,

    Sorry for my imprecise expression.

    Our MCU can work normally once VCC is up to 2.7v, and of course PIN9 will be set as high at that time. If MCU need to communicate with 1441, pin9 has to set low. If the mode judgement is finished when the communication starts, SPI mode can enter normally. But if it's not, 1441 may enter in PIN mode, in the case that the judegement happened at pin9 is set low for fullfiling of communication. And if the MCU couldn't konw whether the  mode judegment is finished, when does it start to communicate with 1441? 



  • Ying,

    I believe we are addressing this question through email and another thread, so I will be closing this one.


    Eric Hackett