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SN65DSI86-Q1: Please help with configuration of SN65DSI86-Q1 for display panel Sharp LS315M7JX01

Part Number: SN65DSI86-Q1

Please yould you help us with configuration of SN65DSI86-Q1 for display panel Sharp LS315M7JX01?

Thanks very much.

  • Hi Lukas,

    Please reference this FAQ for help with configuring the DSI86-Q1 registers: You can use the given spreadsheet to generate the register programming values based on the panel EDID information.

    Please also reference the programming guide: and the following hardware implementation guide: for more information.

    Thanks, Allison

  • Thank you Allison for this spredsheet.

    Please I sent you my schematic. could you check it? we have a big problem to get image on panel. When we try set anything we see on screen nothing. We have problem with AUX communication. There is som error in error registers.EM8310_V0SCH.PDF

    Thanks a lot

  • Hi Lukas,

    Can you provide your register dump as well? For the AUX communication problems, some DP sinks require source detection pull-up or pull-down resistors, so you might need to add resistors to the AUXP/N pins.

    Best, Allison 

  • Hello Allison

    Here is register dump.

    <configure i2c=1 spi=1 gpio=0 tpower=1 pullups=0/> 
    <i2c_bitrate khz=100/> 
    ======REFCLK Frequency  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 0A 6 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======DSI Mode  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 10 26 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======DSIA Clock  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 12 7C </i2c_write>/> 
    ======DSIB Clock  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 13 7C </i2c_write>/> 
    ======DP Datarate  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 94 20 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======Enable PLL  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 0D 1 </i2c_write> <sleep ms=10/> 
    ======Enable ASSR in Panel  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 64 1 </i2c_write>/> 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=5 radix=16> 74 0 1 0A 1 81 </i2c_write> <sleep ms=10/>
    ======Enable enhanced frame and ASSR in DSI86  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 5A 5 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======Number of DP lanes  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 93 30 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======Start Semi-Auto Link Training  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 96 0A </i2c_write> <sleep ms=20/> 
    ======CHA Active Line Length  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=2 radix=16> 20 80 07 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======CHB Active Line Length  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=2 radix=16> 22 0 0 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======Vertical Active Size   ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=2 radix=16> 24 38 04 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======Horizontal Pulse Width   ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=2 radix=16> 2C 30 00 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======Vertical Pulse Width   ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=2 radix=16> 30 12 00 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======HBP   ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 34 58 </i2c_write>/> 
    ======VBP   ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 36 0B </i2c_write>/> 
    ===== HFP  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 38 18 </i2c_write>/> 
    ===== VFP  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 3A 03 </i2c_write>/> 
    ===== DP-18BPP Disable  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 5B 0 </i2c_write>/> 
    ===== Color Bar Enable  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 3C 10 </i2c_write>/> 
    ===== Enhanced Frame, ASSR, and Vstream Enable  ====== 
    <i2c_write addr=0x2D count=1 radix=16> 5A 0D </i2c_write>/> 

    About AUX pins but i read in datasheet and in some thread in this forum that if we use eDP then pull resistors are not needed. Because this display is eDP interface.


  • Hi,

    The pullup/pulldown on AUX is optional for eDP but do depend on the eDP vendor requirement. Does the eDP vendor require AUX to have pullup/pulldown? Or can you try to add 100k pulldown to GND on AUXP and 100k pullup to 3.3V on AUXN and see if you are able to get AUX communication?

