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TIC10024-Q1: TIC10024 not getting proper Comparator Status

Part Number: TIC10024-Q1


We are using TIC10024 with 24 inputs connected. We did below configuration to read the comparator status. 

read device id:
MOSI -> 0x2000000
MISO -> 0x241

Read INT_STAT_Read
MOSI -> 0x4000000
MISO -> 0x1
Read IN_comp_Read
MOSI -> 0x0A000001
MISO -> 0x1
Write IN_enable
Read IN_comp_Read
MOSI -> 0x0A000001
MISO -> 0x1

With the above configuration and other default values IN0 - IN23 are configured as Current Source.
And with no input connected on the IN0-IN23 pins IN_STAT_COMP(INC_0- INC23) bits should set to 1 ?, but we are reading all bits as 0s.

Can you correct our understanding or let us know we miss anything on the configuration.
