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AM26LV31: Drive strength vs temperature

Part Number: AM26LV31

Hi TI expert,

Can you please provide the information (graphs) of Drive strength vs temperature of this part. I'm suspecting that drive strength is getting reduced at negative temperatures.

  • Hi Sanath,

    So we don't have that data curve available.

    The Differential output magnitude voltage (|VOD|) for this device is guaranteed to be a minimum of 0.95V across 100 Ohm Load over full temperature range. 

    What voltage are you measuring at the output, what is the load, and what temperatures are you operating at? 

    Generally speaking your drive strength will increase with a decrease in temperature as the output impedance decreases with lower temperatures - typically the lower end of the drive strength will be at the higher temperature corner not the lower ones. 

    If you provide how and what you are measuring on the output I can be able to tell you if what you are seeing is more or less expected - or at least if there is any indication of a failure/damage. 

    Please let me know!


    Parker Dodson