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DS90CR484: Difference between DS90CR484 and DS90CR484A

Part Number: DS90CR484

Dear Team,

Could you please tell me what is difference between DS90CR484 and DS90CR484A?

Best Regards,

Seijiro Matsuoka

  • Hi Seijiro,

    The 484 is not recommended for new designs and it is suggested to go with the upgraded 484A instead. The 484A is fully compatible with older generation Channel Link devices.

    The main difference between the two devices is the removal of the auto gear feature. On devices (like the 484) that have an auto gear feature, unintentional gear shifts caused by fluctuations in Vcc may lead to bit errors. The 484A removed the PLL auto gear option that was previously selectable via the PLLSEL pin. Now, the PLLSEL pin only allows for either low gear or high gear to be selected which eliminated the potential for any gear shift related bit errors.

