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TPD4E1B06: Datasheet pinout discrepancy

Part Number: TPD4E1B06

Hey Interface team,

I have a customer evaluating the TPD4E1B06 for a new design and we found a discrepancy in the datasheet that we're hoping you can provide guidance on.

In Section 5, Pin Configurations and Functions, there is a mismatch between the pin function labels in Figure 5-1 and the pin functions in Table 5-1 for the DCK package. Can you please help to verify which is correct? 

Can you please also confirm that the pinout for the DRL package is correct as-is?

Best regards,

Matt Calvo

  • Hi Matt, 

    Thanks for pointing this out. 

    Figure 5-1 is incorrect. The table 5-1 has the correct information. Another thing I noticed in the datasheet is the layout section, this confirms the information in the table. 

    I double checked the mount bond diagram for this as well and the table and layout image are correct. I can also check with our design team and get back to you. 

    Please let me know if you have any questions. 

    Best Regards,

    McKenzie Eaker

  • Thanks for the confirmation McKenzie! Slight smile

    Please be sure to include this fix in the plans for the next datasheet release as this is pretty important for customers to get right!
