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TCA5013: SAM interface TCA5013 schematic review

Part Number: TCA5013

Hi TI team,

My company has a design related to the SAM interface, we are looking to use TCA5013 with 2 SAM connectors and 2 embedded SAM ICs

Please help to verify my schematic.

Btw I have a few questions about TCA5013 IC:

  1. What is the VUP voltage range?
  2. TCA5013 is active now but TCA5013 is from 2014. Can TCA5013 support design and production within 10 years from 2024 ?
  3. Do TI have any alternative SAM interface ICs ?

Kindly review and let me know your valuable comments. Thanks a lot.

  • Hi VietCuong:


    What is the VUP voltage range?

      Vup can be 3.5v for 3.3v card and 5,5v for 5v card.


    TCA5013 is active now but TCA5013 is from 2014. Can TCA5013 support design and production within 10 years from 2024 ?

      I can not guarantee it's still in production in 2034, but if there are lots of needs at that time I believe it will still in production,

    Do TI have any alternative SAM interface ICs ?

       This is the only SAM interface IC in our product line.



  • Hi Brian,

    Thanks for answering my questions
    How about my schematic ? Is TCA5013 any critical or notes for design ?
    We are using 2 SAM physical connectors and 2 embedded SAM ICs.

    Best Regards
    Viet Cuong

  • Sorry, I will send SCH comment by tomorrow.



  • Hi Brian,

    Has any advise about my schematic ?
    I need to prepare the board soon to test.

    Best Regards
    Viet Cuong

  • Hi Viet:

       Sorry for the late, I will send feedback by tomorrow.



  • Hi Viet:

      attached is schematic review, let me know if you have any questions:




  • Hi Brian,

    Thanks for reviewing.

    About CLKIN_, our design uses MCU with 1 CLK pin for SAM IC.

    Until now, we used 1 CLK pin of MCU for both CLKIN1 and CLKIN2 of NXP TDA8026(SAM IC that we are using). If we still design it like that with TCA5013, is it possible?
    Our MCU only has 1 smart card(SC) interface(CLK, IO, RST) and we also want to use 1 SC for SAM interface IC.
    If TCA5013 does not support this function, should we use CLK switch circuit for CLK input? Or can you suggest any other solution?

    Thanks and Best Regards
    Viet Cuong

  • Hi Viet:

          IOMC1 is for  user card only and IOMC2 is for SAM card 1-3 . If there are smartcards on user card slot and SAM card slot 1-3 at same time, your microcontroller will  be confused .

       You may just use CLK2 and IOMC2 , at least it can support three smart cards, but one card at any time.



  • Hi Brian,

    Thanks for the answer.
    My project has a requirement to use 4 SAM cards, just physically different, like we do in SCH.
    We are going to use the SAM card at the user card slot in TCA5013. Is it possible?
    We used 1 CLK, 1 IO for CLKIN1/2, IO1/2 with TDA8026, the MCU communicates with the SAM cards sequentially, not necessarily 4 SAM cards at the same time.
    Please help clarify this possibility with TCA5013.

    Thanks and Best Regards
    Viet Cuong

  • my question is when there is smartcard on user card slot and one of SAM card slots at same time , how MCU know which one is connected since IOMC1 and IOMC2 are connected to the same MCU IO.



  • Hi Brian,

    We number each SAM card in the firmware and API, if there is no PRES pin for each SAM card slot then the firmware poll all cards to get actual status on board.
    When inserting SAM cards into physical slots, we know which slot to connect and communicate with, the card detection feature is not too important.

    Thanks and Best Regards
    Viet Cuong

  • Got it.

