DS90UB960-Q1: synchronized forwarding mode

Part Number: DS90UB960-Q1


Hi team,

I follow the sample code in the datasheet to do the FrameSync, it is working well.

But when I streaming output with gsteamer it seems not really same capture frame at the moment.

 here is my pipeline :

gst-launch-1.0 \
v4l2src device=/dev/video-cam0 io-mode=4 ! video/x-raw,width=1280,height=720,format=UYVY ! tiovxldc ! video/x-raw, format=NV12 ! tiovxmultiscaler target=0 ! video/x-raw, width=320, height=240 ! mosaic.sink_0 \
v4l2src device=/dev/video-cam1 io-mode=4 ! video/x-raw,width=1280,height=720,format=UYVY ! tiovxldc ! video/x-raw, format=NV12 ! tiovxmultiscaler target=0 ! video/x-raw, width=320, height=240 ! mosaic.sink_1 \
v4l2src device=/dev/video-cam2 io-mode=4 ! video/x-raw,width=1280,height=720,format=UYVY ! tiovxldc ! video/x-raw, format=NV12 ! tiovxmultiscaler target=0 ! video/x-raw, width=320, height=240 ! mosaic.sink_2 \
v4l2src device=/dev/video-cam3 io-mode=4 ! video/x-raw,width=1280,height=720,format=UYVY ! tiovxldc ! video/x-raw, format=NV12 ! tiovxmultiscaler target=0 ! video/x-raw, width=320, height=240 ! mosaic.sink_3 \
compositor name=mosaic latency=1000000000 background=0 \
sink_0::xpos=0 sink_0::ypos= 0 \
sink_1::xpos=320 sink_1::ypos= 0 \
sink_2::xpos=640 sink_2::ypos= 0 \
sink_3::xpos=959 sink_3::ypos= 0 ! \
video/x-raw, width=1280, height=240 ! queue ! waylandsink sync=false --no-position &

the script for setting FrameSync :

#This sript is for setting 2 ds90ub962 to enable FrameSync mode on ROVY.

#setting external FrameSync from GPIO1, Generate single FrameSync pulse

    #Enable deserializer#1 GPIO1 and set internal framesync signal
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_GPIO1_PIN_CTL 0x91
    #Set FS_HIGH_TIME_1
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_FS_HIGH_TIME_1 0x0A
    #Set FS_HIGH_TIME_0
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_FS_HIGH_TIME_0 0xD7
    #Set FS_LOWTIME_1
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_FS_LOWTIME_1 0x61
    #Set FS_LOWTIME_0
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_FS_LOWTIME_0 0xA0
    #Enable framesync
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_FS_CTL 0x01
    #Setting FrameSync mode
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_2 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_FS_CTL $FS_MODE_SET

    #Setting deserializer #1 & #2 back channel GPIO0,1,2,3 output FrameSync
    for RX_NUM in {0..3}; do

        i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_FPD3_PORT_SEL $RX_PORT
        i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_GPIO_CTL0 0xAA
        i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_GPIO_CTL1 0xAA

        i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_2 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_FPD3_PORT_SEL $RX_PORT
        i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_2 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_GPIO_CTL0 0xAA
        i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_2 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_GPIO_CTL1 0xAA

I'm not sure is it causing by what, so I want make 4 camera can output synchronized .

the script for setting synchronized forwarding :


#--------------fwd sync mode-------------------
#all RX port forwarding enabled 
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_FWD_CTL1 0x00
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_2 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_FWD_CTL1 0x00
    sleep 0.1
#basic synchronized forwarding enabled
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_1 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_FWD_CTL2 0x14
    i2ctransfer -y -f $DESER_I2C_2 w2@$UB960_ADDR $UB960_SR_FWD_CTL2 0x14

The display streaming will stuck after run the script.

here is the ds90ub960 i2c dump :

root@rovy-4vm:/opt/edgeai-gst-apps# i2cdump -y -f 5 0x30
No size specified (using byte-data access)
     0  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f    0123456789abcdef
00: 60 00 1e 40 d0 01 00 fe 1c 10 7a 7a 00 09 00 ff    `.?@??.???zz.?..
10: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 00 00 00 00 04 00    ........?.....?.
20: 00 14 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ??..............
30: 00 00 01 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ..?@............
40: 00 a9 71 01 00 00 20 00 00 00 00 12 38 c0 02 00    .?q?.. ....?8??.
50: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 1e 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ........?.......
60: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 7c aa aa    .............|??
70: eb ec e4 00 00 00 00 c5 00 01 00 00 20 00 00 00    ???....?.?.. ...
80: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ................
90: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ................
a0: 00 00 00 00 00 1c 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    .....?..........
b0: 1c 3a 14 08 25 00 18 00 8c 33 83 74 80 00 00 00    ?:??%.?.?3?t?...
c0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ................
d0: 00 43 94 05 60 f2 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    .C??`?..........
e0: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    ................
f0: 5f 55 42 39 36 30 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00    _UB960..........

I did some experiments and found it seems related to some port be enable the forwarding.

For example once I turned port 2 and 3 off, the streaming was start to run. but looks not really good, the display delay over 2 seconds and framerate less than 10 fps. (original 30fps)

 i2ctransfer -y -f 5 w2@0x30 0x20 0xc0 //enable forwarding of port0 ,1 

The problem does not occur in any specific port, even I change enable port 2 & 3, disable any one port or enable 1 port. 

But those issue doesn't happened when setting the synchronized forwarding disabled, all the camera are work good, no latency and 30 fps smoothly. 

So I think my camera signal source are good, did I miss any configuration ?  

  • Hi Dennis,

    In the register dump that was provided, port 3 registers are selected to be read from. In register 0x4D, we see the lock status is low. Since the port forwarding is set to output all RX ports in synchronize forwarding, the loss of lock on port 3 will prevent any video data from being output. 

    Would you be able to collect a register dump for each port? Additionally, is this a custom design being used? If so, would you be able to provide information on schematics / cables being used? 



  • Thank for  your quick reply, I think I found the problem.

    It need to disable generate the FrameSync signal first to cameras, before I change forwarding from non-sync to sync.

  • Hi Dennis, 

    Appreciate the follow-up. Since it seems this issue was found on your end, I'll close this E2E. 

