DP83TG720S-Q1: DP83TG720S polarity

Part Number: DP83TG720S-Q1


Hello expert,

DP83TG720S can not close its polarity detection function but it can close polarity correction function. 

My customer write 0x10 to 0x55B register to close polarity correction and they read back the value which is changed successfully.

However, why the change the polarity to wrong, but the link kept up instead of down? 

Are there any other methods to check polarity correction function is closed successfully or not? 

Best regards,


  • Hello Wenting, 

    I will discuss this internally with my team and get back to you shortly. 



  • Hello Wenting,

    After writing this register can you perform a soft reset register 0x001F to 0x4000. 

    However for further clarify, this feature is for how your TRD_P and TRD_M lines are connected to each other. If they are flipped, polarity detection will detect that and then correct the polarity to keep link up. However if they are connected correctly to each other then even if correction is turned off link will still occur as expected. 
