DP83TC813R-Q1: The values of peak_sign and peak_loc_in_ meters are unstable

Part Number: DP83TC813R-Q1


The process we handle is:

1. Read CDCR register (address 0x1Eh)
2. Set the 15th bit of the CDCR register to 1, i.e. tdr_start=1
3. Wait for 100ms
4.If the first digit is 1, i.e. tdr_done=1, then proceed to step 5; otherwise, return to step 3
5.If the 8th bit of the TDR_TC1 register (address 0x310h) is 1, then half open; If the 8th bit of the TDR_TC1 register (address 0x310h) is 0, proceed to step 6
6.If the 7th bit of the TDR_TC1 register (address 0x310h) is 0, then nominal; If the 7th bit of the TDR_TC1 register (address 0x310h) is 1, proceed to step 7
7.If the 6th bit of the TDR_TC1 register (address 0x310h) is 1, then short; If the 6th bit of the TDR_TC1 register (address 0x310h) is 0, then open
At present, we have found that when the PHY connection is disconnected, we are constantly monitoring the existence of this register, which is sometimes open and sometimes normal