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TLK10081: Asymmetrical bitrate passing throught the mux

Part Number: TLK10081
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DP83869HM



I'm currently using a TLK10081 with 7 lanes (4 Ethernet lanes and 3 SFP lanes) as it follow :

Schematic diagram

My problem is that I have asymmetrical performances by passing through the TLK10081 when performing a speedtest

With the TLK10081 :

Speedtest results :Download ~ 800Mbps Upload ~ 50Mbps with packet loss

Direct connection as reference, without  TLK10081

Speedtest results : Download ~ 800Mbps Upload ~ 800Mbps without packet loss (direct transmission between two DP83869HM is ok with symmetrical performances).

TLK10081 config I use :

read 0x02

read 0x06

write 0x00 0x8610

wait 1sec

write 0x01 0x0302

write 0x02 0x831B

write 0x06 0x8114

write 0x8009 0xFC02

write 0x8019 0xFC02

write 0x1C 0x002C

write 0x1D 0x002C

write 0x17 0x0ABC

read 0x02

read 0x06

wait 5sec

write 0x17 0x02BC

Do you have any recommandation or anything that I can change in the config to solve this issue ?

Thank you in advance.

  • Hi Guillaume,

    I'm not very familiar with how download and upload speeds translate to your system block diagram. Does download speed correspond with one direction of transmission, while upload speed corresponds with the other direction? If this is correct, can you clarify which direction is experiencing packet loss and if there are any differences between the 2 boards?

    I also reviewed your register configuration and I have a few questions.

    1. Did you follow some guide or document to determine this register write sequence?
    2. I see that you enable lane marker generation (0x17 = 0x0ABC), then disable lane marker generation 5 seconds later (0x17 = 0x2BC). Can you explain the reasoning behind this sequence?
    3. What is the reasoning for reading registers 0x02 and 0x06 at the beginning and end of the sequence?



  • Hi Lucas,

    Thanks for your reply,

    There is an update version of my block diagram to complete the understanding of the situation :

    Block diagram 2
    I experience packet loss in both directions. There is no difference between the 2 boards (same schematic, same layout)

    Regarding register configuration :

    1. I followed the exact configuration setup that you have recommanded here (

        wait 1s, write 0x17=0x2bc

    2. Same answer as above, exept wait is 5 s and not 1 s

    3. Reading registers 0x02 and 0x06 are just here to check the configuration

    Kind regard,


  • Hi Guillaume,

    Thank you for the clarification. While the system is in operation, can you readback registers 0x0F, 0x13, and 0x14 on both TLK devices, both channels a few times and share the values?



  • Hi Lucas,

    First time I read in registers (after turning on the system ON) I had the following results :

    0x0F : 0x4134

    0x13 :0x4E01

    0x14 :0x0001

    Then, when I tried to read again (many times), I had : 

    0x0F : 0x1D27

    0x13 :0x6E01

    0x14 :0x0001

    Value of registers are the same for both TLK10081

    Thanks for the support,


  • Hi Guillaume,

    Thank you for reading and sharing. I see the following errors:

    • 0x0F[8]=1: HS_DECODE_INVALID
    • 0x0F[5]=1: BIT_LM_FAIL
    • 0x0F[4]=0: BIT_LM_DONE is de-asserted
    • 0x13[11]=1: LS_INVALID_DECODE
    • 0x13[10]=1: LS_LOS
    • 0x13[9]=1: LS_RXLOS_DETECT_LH
    • 0x13[8]=0: LS_CH_SYNC_STATUS is de-asserted
    • 0x13[0]=1: LS_RX_FIFO_OVERFLOW
    • 0x14[0]=1: HS_RX0_FIFO_OVERFLOW

    I believe each of the LS errors shown correspond to one low-speed lane, likely lane 0. Can you iterate through each value of 0x06[14:12] to access each LS lane and read 0x13 a few times after each change? Can you check on both TLK10081 units and share the values you see?

