DS90UB947-Q1: 947's video lock and tempature parameters

Part Number: DS90UB947-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: DS90UH947-Q1


Hi Team,

We heard 947 can detect FPD Lock and video Lock, we known FPD Lock is the bit 7 of register 0x5A, but what is the video lock of 947?

And we heard the new version of 947 does not need the tempature parameters,  even we should delete them from bringup code of 947, is it correct?

We should keep these tempature parameters of  bringup code, or we should delete them from bringup code?

If we should delete them from bringup code, which parameter should be set to 0x42: 

board.WriteI2C(UB947, 0x42, 0xXX)

Best regards.

  • Yao,

    There is no concept of "video lock" inside of the 947. Also 0x5A[7] does not indicate LOCK. That bit indicates that the FPD-Link block has detected a downstream deserializer is connected which is basically an indication that the serializer has received a back channel signal from the downstream deserializer. 

    If you are looking for a deserializer receiver LOCK status indication specifically, that would be coming from register 0xC4[5] (see the DS90UH947-Q1 datasheet)

    For temp ramp related implementation you should refer directly to the latest errata doc for 947. Please contact your local TI field sales representative for access to this information. The errata outlines which silicon revisions to apply vs. not apply code to, and what that code values should be used respectively 

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Casey,

    Can you send me the errata outlines directly?

    Best Regards.

  • Hi Casey,

    Whether we can detect the FPD LINK through the registers of 948?

    it can be doned, can you tell me which register can be used for?

    Best Regards.

  • Hello Yao,

    Please contact your local TI sales representative for access to NDA documentation. You can view FPD-Link LOCK status on the 948 through register 0x1C[0]

    Best Regards,


  • Hi Casey,

    We use the DS90UB947, not DS90UH947, we can not find the register 0xC4 in UB947's datasheet.

    Is it only exists in UH947?

    Best Regards.

  • Hi Casey,

    We still have a question need you help:

    Head unit responsible for initialize 947, Display panel responsible for initialize 948.

    If these two initializations action at the same time, whether the 947 or 948 would initialize fail?

    Whether the head unit  initialize 947 would disturb Display panel  initialize 948?

    Best Regards.

  • Hello Yao,

    Casey is OoO today and should be back on Monday with you.

  • Yao,

    We use the DS90UB947, not DS90UH947, we can not find the register 0xC4 in UB947's datasheet.

    Is it only exists in UH947?

    Register 0xC4[5] is implemented in both UB and UH 947 versions 

    Head unit responsible for initialize 947, Display panel responsible for initialize 948.

    If these two initializations action at the same time, whether the 947 or 948 would initialize fail?

    Whether the head unit  initialize 947 would disturb Display panel  initialize 948?

    TI recommends to perform initialization all from one side (typically from the serializer side in display applications) so that there is no need for complex synchronization between init procedures. In this case I don't know what the specifics are of what the display panel is trying to initialize within the 948, so I can't comment on potential issues. If you have a specific question about something within your init sequences, then we can take a look and provide feedback 

    Best Regards,
