DS90UB948-Q1: PATGEN_BIST_EN impaction

Part Number: DS90UB948-Q1



Customer accidently switch PGDBG Register (Address = 0x68) bit 3 PATGEN_BIST_EN between 0 and 1 every 5s by mistake.

Their project is already in mass production and they didn't see apparent problem for real video traffic yet. But they want to make sure whether there is any potential risk for this?


  • Hello Ryan,

    Every time this bit is toggled, it will create one random white pixel on the screen for one video frame. Also when PATGEN_BIST_EN is set to 1, the LOCK signal does not report the live LOCK status like normal. Those are the main reasons why we do not suggest to use this bit during normal operation 

    Best Regards,
