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Let me confirm about below.
* According to datasheet, user can use "interrupt function" by using address 0x11[1]("Interrupt Enable" bitfield).
However, I have following question.
Q1, After enabling "interrupt function", I would like to status of internal interrupt condition to externally.
To realize this function, user should set address 0x11[0]("Interrupt Output Enable" bitfield), but I saw following description in bitfield "description".
"Enable active low interrupt events via the INTR/PWERDN pin by configuring the INTR/PWRDN pin as an output( for ENHANCED mode)"
Can we set "INT" pin (21 pin) as output by setting above register even if we use "basic mode" ?
Q2, If we do not set address 0x11[0] with setting address 0x11[1], how "interrupt function" work ?
Because, in default, "INT" pin is set as "INPUT".
When 0x11[0] = "0" with 0x11[1] = "1", the condition looks "Accept external interrupt(Ex from micon or etc)".
However, If this device accepts external interrupt, I'm not sure how this device works.
So, I asked about above.
Could you confirm about above two ?
Best Regards,
Interrupts for our PHYs are always Open-Drain outputs. They do not accept inputs to other devices. They will only output to other devices.
In enhanced mode, this pin is default function PWDN, but can be reconfigured as INT via register. In basic mode, this is defaulted as INT.
Hi Gerome-san,
Thank you for your reply.
>Interrupts for our PHYs are always Open-Drain outputs. They do not accept inputs to other devices. They will only output to other devices.
According to datasheet, it seems that pin configuration of "pin 21" is "input". So, I asked.
Is following table mistake of "Active O" ?
And, case of "basic mode", user do not need to set 0x11[1] = "1" because default pin configuration is "output".
Is my understanding correct ?
This is a typo in datasheet for active; as this should actually say "O, PU" for basic mode, and "I/O, PU" for enhanced mode. We will look to correct datasheet upon next revision.
Yes this is the appropriate understanding. Customer is also free to evaluate this on evm.