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I have a problem where i have my phone as a UFP device on the UFP port on the TUSB8041. Its CC lines go to a USB PD controller to charge my phone. And I have a SSD on the DFP port. the phone does not see the SSD.
Any idea why? I put the schematics down below.
The datapairs of the UFP go through a MUX first, before going into the UFP port of the HUB. same for the SSD. its datapairs also go through a MUX first.
This is the UFP USB connector.
This is the multiplexer for the UFP port
This it the MUX of the DFP port
These are the connections on the HUB
What i forgot to tell is that, in this schematic, the +5V_VCC_SSD is active, so there is some communication over the CC lines going....
can you provide schematic for UFP schematic as well?
So the phone is type-C port?
I also noticed that if i connect a ugreen usb C hub to my phone, my phone gives a message that it recognizes a USB device. This does not happen if i connect my phone to my custom made hub.
what CC controller used for upstream port?
Also C235/236/237/238 should be 100nf, not 470nf.
The CC controller used for the upstream port is the: STUSB4700QTR. this is a usb PD controller and handles port orientation, it sents a 1 or 0 to the UFP MUX to tell what orientation the cable is, it also handles the power via the USB PD protocol over the CC lines
I made some hardware adjustments to connect the UFP to my pc and the pc does recognize the hub and the connected SSD!
Now is the question, why does my phone not see the hub and attatched devices and the PC does?
for STUSB4700QTR, did you see 5V on Vbus_PANO? Did PANO_USB_Side toggle when you flip the type-C cable?
Correct, i saw the 5V and i see the PANO_USB_Side toggle if i flip the cable. that all works. it even works on my pc now. The only thing is that it does not work on my phone. what could that be? my phone does not see the hub and the attached devices. but the pc does
Did you try other phone? Some phone may not implement USB3 or it's not DRP.
No not yet. But the fact that some phones might not implement USB3.0 is not a problem since the USB2.0 lines are also supported bij the hub
Both 3V3 and 1V1 come from a 3 Channel buck converter where VBUS_PANO is its input voltage So VBUS_PANO is active first, then 3V3 and 1V1. I havent checked on the GRSTz pin
It seems PD controller configure issue. for your hub board, did you configure it as power source and data sink for PD controller?
I did not configure anything on the hub or the PD controller. What should i configure? is this possible in a hardware way? because i have no option for softwareprogramming in the hub. Maybe i do not understand you correctly, sorry.
If my answer is not what you meant, could you clarify yourself a bit more?
The only things the PD controller is connected to is the CC lines of the UFP. Datalines go through MUX and eventually go to hub.
should i consider things as pull ups or pull downs on CC lines? or other configurations?
Hi Erwin:
PD controller need firmware to configure tyep-C port with power source and data UFP, you may need to talk to your firmware guy if it was configured correctly or not.
aha thanks. there is no software configuration done in the PD controller. i dont have the possibilty to do any software settings. only hardware settings with resistors. you think this is the only solution to fix it? cant i do anything with resistors on the cc lines for example
Hi Erwin:
Based on my knowledge, you need to configure type-C with firmware, Please check with your PD controller vendor.