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sn65lvdt32b internal terminations

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN65LVDT32B

This chip has 110 Ohm on chip terminations.  lvds is defined for 100 ohm terminations.  What's the rationale for the difference and will this chip function correctly with incoming lvds signals?

  • The LVDS standard (TIA/EIA-644) specifies the input termiation resistance to be greater than or equal to 90W, and less than or equal to 132W. The SN65LVDT32B has a nominal input termination impedance of  110W, which is approximately the average of the upper and lower limits.  LVDS is more generally referred to as a 100W interconnecting media and a 100W termination, with the understanding that devices will interoperate over a range of impedance. The device has been designed for LVDS inputs signals, and will function correctly with LVDS signals.