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BQ24392 USB charger detector doesn't recognize the TPS2546 USB charger controller

Other Parts Discussed in Thread: BQ24392, BQ24392EVM, BQ24192


I consider to use the BQ24392 charger detector on my PCB. I purchased the BQ24392EVM and the TPS2546EVM (charger controller) to test it. unfortunately the detector doesn't seems to work - does not recognize the various charging modes of the controller. the setup is as follows:

The controller 5V VSUB voltage is supplied by a lab PS  which can drive up to 4A. Its input USB port connected to a PC with a 1m standard USB cable without its VSUB wire (I disconnected it). The ILIM and EN jumpers are not populated. the CTL jumpers are populated in different combinations according to Table 4 in the datasheet.

The controller USB Out is connected to the detector USB In by a 1m USB3 cable.

The controller microUSB Out is connected to an Android smartphone (Nexus 5).

The controller DM_OUT and DP_OUT TPs are connected to a scope (When I turns the power supply ON I can see clearly these signals voltage changes dynamically and differently according to the above jumpers combinations).

The detector CHG_AL_N  and  SW_OPEN  LEDs lit and CHG_DET LED is off a second after power-on. The problem is that this is the same and only status of the LEDs independent to the controller jumpers configuration.

Can anybody tell what can be the reason for this miss detection? 



  • Shony,

    The BQ24392 device requires a transition from a low voltage to a voltage > Vbus(valid) on the VBUS pin to run the detection sequence.  This low to high transition on the VBUS pin normally occurs when you insert a cable into the USB port supplying the port with 5V.  Since you are only changing the jumpers on the controller and not inserting anything into the BQ24392, the BQ24392 device does not know to run another detection sequence.  

    Thank you,


  • Hi Adam,

    I also did this cable connection after jumpers configuration. Unfortunately this was not helpful.

    I wander if the inside smartphone charging circuit can influence the BQ24392 behavior (I connected it at the output of the BQ24392)? The Nexus 5 uses the BQ24192 battery charger.

