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HD3SS460 AUX_P/_N mapping in DP SINK mode

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Looking at figure 19 in HD3SS460 DS, I have several questions.

One of them being, which order is CSBU1/2 is mapped to DisplayPort AUX? According to DP Alt Mode overview from VESA, SBU1 is AUX+ and SBU2 is AUX-. In PDF schematic (sllu214d.pdf) for the EVM, this is also same. However, in Figure 11 in DS, SINK Pin Assignment Option C, SBU1 is connected to AUX- and SBU2 is to AUX+. So which is it?

Similar uncertainty exists for the TX/RX -> Lane mapping.

VESA:TX1->DP0, RX1->DP1, TX2->DP2, RX2->DP3.

Table 4 shows the same reversed AUX assignment to CSBU.

In our application, we need to maintain the lane order to the video sink, and  cable orientation will be handled externally and polarity adjusted by the POL pin. Is this how this is supposed to work?