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TPS2549-Q1: Usage as Load Switch (No USB Charging Port Controller)

Part Number: TPS2549-Q1

[ TPS2549-Q1 ] Usage as Load Switch (No USB Charging Port Controller)


My customer is supposed to use TPS2549-Q1 for two different type of USB port.

#1: USB port with BC1.2 and load switch function
#2: USB port with load switch function (standard port with 500mA capability)

For those two different ports, customer still would like to use TPS2549-Q1.

For #2, can you help me to clarify followings?

Q1: How CTL should be?

As my understanding, high-side switch and charging controll block are separated, means operate independently.
So if these CTLx pins are left open, the load switch should work as expected. Correct?

Q2: Data path

Do we need to have data path input and output for this usage?
As above, no charging port controll function is required,  I guess these can be left open (i.e. bypassed via external sgnal path.)

Q3: Any concerns inveolved?

If you have any concerns for this usage, please let me know.

Thank you for your support in advance.