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TUSB212-Q1: Short VCC Drop and Reset Operation

Part Number: TUSB212-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB212

[ TUSB212-Q1 ] Short VCC Drop and Reset Operation


If VCC supply for TUSB212-Q1 drops suddenly, is it recommended to have power on reset or toggling RSTN pin?
(I'm sorry that I don't have details of this short drop.)

If customer attempts to perform the device reset by power cycloing (off and on again), what is the the threshold of VCC low and minimum low duration?

Thank you for your support in advance.

  • Ken-san

    RSTn pin needs to be hold low until VCC reaches VCC(min) level, please refer to Figure 1 in the TUSB212 data sheet.

  • Hi David,

    Are there any requirements on minimum Vcc-low period?

    What I try to suggest customer is that power cycling (off and on again) after occuring the unstable of Vcc supply. (and follow RSTN sequence as stated in the datasheet.)

    Thus, it's helpful if you have a number of lower thereshold of VCC and minimum duration.
    Does this make sense?

    Thank you for your support in advance.

  • Ken-san

    There is no min duration, once TUSB212 drops below certain voltage threshold, it will consider to be off, but I do not have this threshold voltage number.

    Why not use RESET pin to do the reset function?

    As long as TUSB212 is hold in reset while supply is unstable, and release reset after VCC is stable, this should not be an issue.

