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ONET4201LD: Low data rate <155Mbps

Part Number: ONET4201LD

Is ONET4201LD capable to handle data rates lower than 155Mbps, e.g. a frequency range of 65MHz ?

What are the limiting factors in going below datasheet value of 155Mbps ?

Is there any absolute low limit ?

  • Hi Geunter,

    Sorry for the delay in response. Our apps engineer supporting these products recently returned to the office. We will respond to you as soon as possible.

  • Hi Guenter,

    Yes, ONET4201LD is capable of driving lasers at bit rates lower than the recommended minimum of 155Mbps. It is difficult to estimate the absolute low limit, but it should be able to go down to < 25MHz speeds (certainly should work at 65MHz). However, the output eye quality (o/p swing and jitter performance) would be lower than the values listed in the electrical characteristics table of the DS. Since the device has not been tested at such low datarates, it is difficult to quantify this difference.

    Hope this answers your question. Please let me know if not!

