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Hi Sir
Green waveform is DC_IN
Yellow waveform is PD_OUT
Purple waveform is Vgate
Blue waveform is Iout
Please refer below waveform and schematic ,when we test PD_OUT SCP (short current protection) ,Q2 MOSFET will be burnout
Figure 1. When the PP_EXTOCTimeout set 5.12mS ,Vgate can't turn off and Q2 burnout
Figure 2. When the PP_EXTOCTimeout set 640uS ,Vgate can turn off but need 1mS
Q1 : May I know why 5.12mS can't turn off the MOS? and Vgate have a short time pulse ?
Q2 : May I know what's the PP_EXTOCTimeout means? OCP dection time ? or retry timer ?
Hi Kai,
When you have the external OCP timeout set to 5.12ms, the FET will need to be able to absorb close to 100W of power (20V, 5A) with VDS =20V (VBUS =ground). There are not many FETs available on the market that have such a strong SOA curve to handle that much power for such an extended period of time. Instead, we recommend setting this to 640uS and checking to make sure your FET will be able to handle VDS=20V and IDS=5A for up to 1.5ms. When selecting the 640uS timeout value, the real value is a range from 640uS to 1.3mS. You said it takes 1mS to turn off the FET. This is in the range of the specification.
If this answers your question, PLEASE select This resolved my issue
Thank you,
Hi Kai,
We do not recommend a setting lower than 640uS as it could cause false OCP trips on the external path when there is a small glitch in the current. Instead, we recommend using an external FET with SOA curve suitable for this application. You can refer to the datasheet of CSD16323 for an example of a recommended external FET.
If this answers your question, PLEASE select This resolved my issue
Thank you,
Hi Eric
I saw our end customer have already discuss this issue with you
If I provide the PJT file to you ,could you help to change the time to 160uS and provide the bin file to us ??
Attached file is the PJT file