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Part Number: TUSB1002EVM
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB1002, TUSB1002A

Cannot see USB 3.0 bandwidth speed after the re-driver.

Hello, my setup is:

Host PC ------>(USB A to USB B cable 1m)--------->TUSB1002EVMRe-driver------------> (USB A to USB MicroB cable 0.5 m)-------------------> USB 3.0 CAMERA

I've tried USB 3.0 

I've also tried different jumpers configuration for the EQ and Config

Last time you suggested to put 220k  pull down resistor in the signal line Rx1p & Rx1n .But unknowingly I putted 220 Ohms it worked without any jumper setting for what ever cable length detecting camera bandwidth speed of 454MB/s(5Gbps). When I replaced to 220K it is not working and also I tried different jumper setting it didn't helped getting bandwidth speed of 49MB/s.

Is it safe to add 220 Ohms and what is the maximum resistor it will work ?

Why it is working without any jumper setting and Also it works & detecting camera at usb3.0 speed in whatever combination of jumper setting ?

Thanks & Regards,


  • Damodaran,

    We are looking into this issue and will get back to you.
  • Hello Damodaran!

    What appears to be happening is that the camera does not see the termination on the RX lines going to it. That is why adding the 220 Ohm pull downs onto it seemed to fix it. While you could put 50 Ohm pull-downs on the RX1p and RX1n lines, that would just be a patch and would not pass USB compliance. The proper fix would be to switch to the TUSB1002A, which incorporates a termination fix that is not present in the TUSB1002.

  • Hi Gerasimos,

    After replacing to new IC Partno-TUSB1002AIRGET it resolved my issue .It worked without any pull down resistors on the signal line RX1P & 1N. Is there any recommended resistor values to be used at the pins RX1P & RX1N ?

    Verified for the maximum cable length details below
    Host PC ------>(USB A to USB B cable 1m)--------->TUSB1002ARe-driver------------> (USB A to USB MicroB cable 3 m)-------------------> USB 3.0 CAMERA

    Getting required bandwidth speed of 452MB/s.

    One more related testing done using two repeaters connected in series with different cable length details below
    Host PC ------>(USB A to USB B cable 1m)--------->Newnex repeater module ------------> (USB A to USB B cable 1m) ------------>(USB A to USB MicroB cable 3 m)-------------------> USB 3.0 CAMERA.

    Getting drop in bandwidth speed ~ 160MB/s ,If we change Equalization , Cfg1, Cfg2 of CH1 & CH2 by changing jumper setting will it help in improving speed

    Will it work reliable in our application,If we are planning to use similar above test setup using two TI Repeater in our application .

  • Hello Damodaran,

    I would not add resistors to RX1P and RX1N. What is the Newnex repeater module and where is our system in your second setup. Is it between the 1m and 3m cable? If so, you can try to change the jumper settings to see if that makes a difference. However it appears the bottleneck is the newnex part.
