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TUSB212-Q1: General Questions

Part Number: TUSB212-Q1

[ TUSB212-Q1 ] General Questions


Can you help to clarify a couple of questions from my customer with regards to TUSB212-Q1?


Could you please let me know how TUSB21x series operate?

As my understanding, the device attempts to detect its signal rising/falling edge of HS, then try to inject current to "boost" rising / falling edge.
It's appreciated if you have a document which describes operational basics.


If my understanding above is right, the changing EQ setting change injected current.
Do you have injected current values for each EQ setting?


Do you have the eye diagram with different EQ and DC setting for the condition below?

Upstream SQ Test
- Host
- Near End Mask
- Several different cables (like 1m, 2m...)
