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HD3SS2522: HD3SS2522 operating Tj

Part Number: HD3SS2522


The datasheet did not specify the operating Tj. Could you provide the data?


  • Kelvin,

    The Tj information can be calculated from the thermal metrics listed in the HD3SS2522 datasheet. Please see the link below, it holds a simple excel calculator and example to help calculate Tj.

    Please see some note on Tj for passive switches below:

    "This device is a passive FET switch and doesn't have the ability to heat up junctions much higher than the ambient temperature even if your system is passing the maximum allowable power through the switch. This post will help walk you through the calculation and you will see in the formula that ambient temperature is the biggest contributor to the junction temperature. The junction temperature you calculate is the maximum temperature the device can heat up and is not the maximum temperature before damage can occur to the IC."