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TUSB2551A: Thermal resistance

Part Number: TUSB2551A

Dear Sir.

I'm Yutaka Chiba from Marubun Corp.

Customer requested us to show thermal resistance data for TUSB2551ARG, However, Datasheet does not show thermal resistance data.

*Thermal resistance data
1)Junction-to-ambient thermal resistance (R theata JA) 
2)Junction-to-case (top) thermal resistance (R theata JC top)
3)Junction-to-board thermal resistance (R theata JB)
4)Junction-to-top characterization parameter (phi JT)
5)Junction-to-board characterization parameter(phi JB)
6)Junction-to-case (bottom) thermal resistance (R theata JC bot)

Can you help us to share the thermal resistance data for this device?

Thank you for your support in advance.

Best regards.