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TPIC8101: application question

Part Number: TPIC8101

Good afternoon,

I am an engineer student at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in Madrid, Spain. I am taking part in a project of building a motorbike from scratch and we were interested in using the TPIC8101 processor. 

I have a few questions in relation to it I'd hope you can answer.

I've been reading the "instruction" manuals that are provided in the web page but I'm not sure of some specific things. I would like to know which frequencies can the processor "listen" to. I've read that it can listen from 4MHz to 24MHz, is that correct?

I would also like to know if it can process a Bosch ks4-P knock sensor.

And finally, how can I program the processor to "listen" to a certain frequency? 

Thank you,
