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TUSB213: About serial connect for 10m cable

Guru 21045 points
Part Number: TUSB213
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TUSB217, TUSB216

Hi Team,


We would like to realize the transmission of USB2.0 by 10m cable.

May I connect TUSB213 to series?

(Please refer to the following image.)


And, could you please let us know recommended solution if you have any information?







  • Hi Hide,

    Your configurations correct and is possible to implement with TUSB213 but I do recommend using our newer devices TUSB217 or TUSB216 for 10m applications. 

  • Hi Malik-san,


    Thank you for your prompt reply and advice.

    Could you please let us know “Evaluation result(Eye pattern waveform) of 10-m cable length with twoTUSB216 devices” if you have any information?




  • Hi Hide,

    See image below image for the following setup. Highest boost setting was used on both TUSB216. 

    USB Hub or Host --> TUSB216 --> 10m Cable --> TUSB216 -- Scope

    Please keep in mind the following:

    • Customer result will vary for the below image
    • Result is dependent on performance of the USB Host or Hub and should also be evaluated
    • Cable size and quality will also impact the result and will vary from the below.
    • This test was run with evaluation boards, on board performance may vary (additional insertion loss due to extra trace/layout, etc.).
      • Direct connections were made between all components of this test.  

  • Hi Malik-san,

    Thank you for your prompt reply and detail information.

    I greatly appreciate your cooperation.


