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AM26LS32A: Can be used for sinusoidal differential input signals for pulse conversion?

Part Number: AM26LS32A

Q-1:  I want to convert 1 volt Peak to peak sinusoidal voltage input to 5V square pulse.  Can I use AM26LS32A:Quadruple Differential Line Receiver for the same purpose ?

Q-2: If It can not be used, then why?

Q-3: AM26LS32A can only be used for differential quadruple input (square pulse) or can be used for peak to peak sinusoidal differential input signal also??

  • Hello Amtech,

    The device could be used to convert a single-ended 1-Vpk-pk sine wave to a 5-V square wave if you connect the sine wave to the "A" terminal of one channel and tie the "B" terminal to the average level of the sine wave.  (For example, if the sine wave varies from 2 V to 3 V you could tie B to 2.5 V.)  However, something to note is that the input differential switching threshold can vary from -0.2 V to +0.2 V.  In this case, the variation in the threshold away from 0 V would result in variation of the output duty cycle away from 50%.  If your system is very sensitive to the square wave duty cycle, you may want to use a device with more precise switching thresholds (like a standard analog comparator.)


  • Thank you Max...!!!