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SN65HVD1050A-Q1: Vref Floating

Part Number: SN65HVD1050A-Q1
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: TCAN1051-Q1


Good day. I hope you are doing fine.

Our customer is using the SN65HVD1050A-Q1 and they want to know if they can left the Vref pin floating. Will it work?
I hope you could help us on this. Thank you.



  • Cedrick,

    Thanks for reaching out. The VREF (aka "split") pin is an output, so leaving it floating should not inhibit the device's operation.

    Has the customer considered the TCAN1051-Q1? While this is not an identical replacement to the SN65HVD1050A-Q1, it is a newer technology that has very similar operation with higher ESD, bus fault, and data rate. It is also ISO 7637 qualified for EMC, and it lacks the VREF/SPLIT pin that the customer does not plan to implement (it is replaced with a no-connect).



  • Hi Danny,

    Thank you for your answer.

    Just to confirm, so they can use the SN65HVD1050A-Q1 without any problem while the Vref is floating. Right?



  • Cedrick,

    The VREF pin is an output that the designer is able to disregard if it is unwanted.

