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TUSB3410: TUSB3410 - Driver for Windows 10

Part Number: TUSB3410


Please, Could you send me lastest  drivers for TUSB3410 for windows 10 OS (drivers signed)?

I must be able to install them, without having to "decrease" the controls by windows 10 to the installation

Thank you


  • You can find the TUSB3410 Windows driver at the following link:

    It's the second file: TI WDF USBUART Single Driver (Rev. A)



  • Hi Brian,

    but these do not work

     i have installed sll428a drivers for tests but these don't work on windows 10

    once installed, the device has a careful icon in the device manager,

    This device works on Windows 7 64 with W7 drivers
    But not on Windows 10, once the drivers installed, we see the COM port associated (COM5 for example) but from the application, when we choose this port, we get a return message: the port does not exist

    - How to be sure that you have completely uninstalled the previous drivers and cleaned the registry if necessary

    - Is it possible to install them by deactivating the control of signature of the drivers since the current session, Without having to restart the computer in advanced settings





  • Alain,

    I have tested this on Win10 and I don't see any issue with opening the COM port.  Can you provide some screen shots of the device manager showing the COM port properties and specifically the driver tab.


  • Alain,

    Also, make sure you are running the installer with administrator privilege.  If that doesn't work, you can also try manually updating the driver and selecting the folder were the driver was installed.