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DP83848C: dp83848 and Ethernet switch can not be connected.

Part Number: DP83848C


I have a problem with the title and want to find the cause and solution.

Refer to the data sheet [Figure 7-1. Typical Application Schematic] & [Figure 7-2. 10/100 Mb/s Twisted Pair Interface],

Pulse magnet (hx1260nl) was used and the circuit was designed.

problem is :

It is possible to connect 1: 1 connection with PC and Ethernet routers,

but when connected through Ethernet switch (Advantech EKI-2525I), only link LED operates and does not perform any operation.

Unfortunately, the JTAG interface is not configured.

Can you infer the cause of this problem?

Thank you reply 

Hosung HAN.

  • Hi Hosung,

    When you connect DP83848 to Ethernet switch, the link LED indicates there is a good link between DP83848 and the switch.

    Can you provide more details about what operation does not perform?


    Hung Nguyen
  • I am using the STM32F4 processor, UDP & ARP through the LWIP library.

    Currently in MII interface and AN_EN / AN1 / AN0 is high ( Auto-Negotiation Enable , 10BASE-T/100BASE-TX, Half/Full-Duplex ).

    The situation is 'Just LED_LINK is active, but LED_ACT is not.'.

    As a matter of course, No transaction occurs.

    It looks as if the physical layers are connected but not at the top layer.

    What I want to ask is that the network interface between the dp83848 and the Ethernet switch IC is not correct, so there is no transaction.

    I ask you to confirm that what I think is right.

    Thank you for your reply.

  • Resolved . 

    The cause was miscommunication between processor and phy.

    Auto - regotiation mode, but the Ethernet speed of the processor does not change when attached to the Ethernet switch at 10Mbps. so it seems that the link did not work.

    I want to reflect on my misguided questions and others to solve this problem wisely.