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SN74LVC2G126: How much capacitance can be connected to one output of SN74LVC2G126?

Part Number: SN74LVC2G126

Hello guys,

One of my customers wants to connect 100pF capacitor to one output of SN74LVC2G126.

At this moment, they have the following questions.
Could you please give me your reply?

How much capacitance can be connected to one output of SN74LVC2G126 as the maximum?
According to the following FAQ, it seems 70pF in general.
s this 70pF applied to SN74LVC2G126?

If 100pF is connected to this device output, will this be damaged?
I think SN74LVC2G126 would be not damaged even if 100pF is connected to the device one output because SN74LVC2G126 output drive capacity (+/- 32mA @VCC=4.5V) is larger than general logic output. (+/-8mA@VCC=4.5V). 
Is my thought correct?

Your reply would be much appreciated.