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SN74LVC1G125: Driving an LED using SN74LVC1G125

Part Number: SN74LVC1G125
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVC1G17

Hello All,

I'm trying to read 24V sensor output as digital input using The Nano 33 BLE and indicate the status of input using led ( 

I read from internet that  Buffer ICs can provide a stable current source that ensures consistent brightness and prolongs the LED's lifespan. so I thought of using TI's SN74LVC1G125 as buffer IC to drive the above said LED. I want someone to check on the draft circuit I made before proceeding with PCB fabrication. 

here is my schematic, will the circuit wok properly, moreover I need the buffer IC to not invert sensor output, the high should be represented by illuminating the led and the led should be off during logic low

the datasheet says The SN74LVC1G125 is a single line driver with a 3-state output. The output is disabled when HIGH-level is applied to the output enable (OE) pin, does it mean, that OE pin has to be always connected to ND or logic ) in order it to work?