CD74HC00: Difference in Chip size inside the same part number

Part Number: CD74HC00


Hello ,

We recently detected some KO parts ( non functional) in our test for teh part number CD74HC00E  and while investigating by doing X ray check on some parts we noticed that there are some with small chips inside and others with big ones as you can see in the attached pictures .After comparing the parts it turned out that the ones with small chips are KO and the ones with big ships are OK .
This is why I sent you this email to have your explanation , what is the difference between the two , are they manufactured in different plants or production lines ....
you will find attached some pictures of the markings that i took for some parts .
Since the situation is critical , I would like to have a conf call as soon as possible (preferably today or tomorrow at last ) with you or your colleagues from the technical department so you can better explain to us the difference between the 2 kinds of parts . 
the link for the pictures :
We will be waiting for your prompt response .
Best regards