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SN74LVT125-EP: What is the source or output resistance for this buffer?

Part Number: SN74LVT125-EP
Other Parts Discussed in Thread: SN74LVT125, SN74LVTH125, SN54AC244-SP, SN54LVCH244A-SP, SN74LVC2G126-EP

I need to drive a SPI clock bus signal from a microcontroller (with low drive strength/high output resistance) to 12 devices on a SPI bus.  Due to the multiple devices, the trace length will end up being long relative to the electrical length of the ~ 2ns rising edge. Therefore I intend to use 50 ohm controlled impedance trace routing, and am looking for a suitable 3.3V buffer that can drive an end terminated 50 ohm line.

The LVT logic family seemed like a good choice based on the high drive strength, 32mA at 3V.  What is the output (source) resistance for the SN74LVT125-EP Quad buffer?  Since output resistance is not given in the datasheet, I attempted to estimate from VOH/IOH at Vcc = 3V specs, as follows:

Rout ~ (3V - VOH-min)/IOH = (3V-2V)/32mA = 31.25 ohms.  Is this a good estimate for Rout, or not accurate?

Are there any other 3.3V logic families with lower Rout that I should consider?  I looked at several other logic families but none seemed to have a higher drive strength.  Can you suggest any other buffers/line drivers with low output resistance for driving a 50 ohm terminated line without a large voltage drop?  With Rout = 31 ohm, my voltage drop into an end terminated 50 ohm line will reduce VOH to ~ 2V, too low if I'm operating with 3.3V supplies.

Can I connect the inputs and outputs of 2 of these buffers in parallel to reduce the output resistance? 

Thanks, Ted

  • Ted,

    Your approach to estimate Rout is appropriate.

    Have you attempted to simulate with IBIS?  There is not an SN74LVT125 model, but the model for the SN74LVTH125 can be used.   It can be found here:  Possibly try using a series source damping resistor to match with 50ohm impedance without 50ohm end termination.

    I am not aware of any of the logic families that can drive into a 50ohm load without significant voltage drop.

    Let me get back to you on feasibility of ganging up 2 or more drivers.



  • Hi Wade,

    Thank you very much for the fast response.  I have not simulated with IBIS.  That may be the next thing, presumably the IBIS model will accurately model the buffer output resistance.

    I have done some simulations in SPICE to verify the basic theory of either using a 50 ohm end termination or matching the line impedance on the source end by using some combination of buffer output resistance and source series damping resistor.  I guess the 50 ohm end termination is out if there are no logic buffers which can drive it.  Even clock buffers I've looked at seem to have output resistances of 30+ ohms, therefore can't drive 50 ohm end termination.  So sounds like the SN74LVT125-EP with Rseries to match T.L. Zo is my best shot at this point.

    Thank you very much for looking into the possibility of ganging multiple drivers.  If possible this would ensure I can really reach a very low output resistance.



  • Ted,
    Sorry for delay. I have been having some computer issues.
    I did get a little more feedback from our Logic experts.
    The estimation for Ron will be pessimistic, due to Voh/Vol/Ioh/Iol being worst case limits.

    There is an FAQ, with some useful information regarding transmission lines here: Though I don't think you have an issue with this.

    With respect to ganging LVT devices. This is acceptable and will not cause device issue. However, it would be recommended to only gang up outputs from the same device. Using across multiple devices could cause adverse effects from slight timing differences between devices.

    If this answers your question, please click "Verify it as the answer"
  • Hi Wade,

    Thanks very much for the additional info, the link had some good info I will want to fully digest.

    To make sure I understand: When you say my estimated Ron will be pessimistic, your saying it Ron is likely lower than estimated?  For example, I used VOH min = 2V to calculate Ron = 31 ohms.  If VOH is actually 2.3V @ VCC=3V, then Ron = 3V-2.3V/32mA ~22 ohm (assuming the same 32mA drive current)?  Correct?

    But one thing I didn't like about the 74LVT125 was the Ron balance isn't very good: For the VOL case I get

    Also good news that buffers can be ganged at least in the LVT logic family.

    But one thing I didn't like about the 74LVT125 was the Ron balance isn't very good: For the VOL case I estimated Ron = 15.6 ohm using the same method: VOL max/IOL = 0.5V/32mA = 15.6.  Also pessimistic do you think?  

    Our application is actually for Space, therefore we are already using both the SN54LVCH244A-SP and SN54AC244-SP Octal Buffers on our board.  Can either of the AC or LVCH logic families be ganged?  Is the LVCH a separate logic family from the LVC, or a subset?

    I also stumbled on the SN74LVC2G126-EP Dual Buffer, which I liked due to better Ron balance.  Same question - can LVC buffers be ganged within a single part?

    Thanks again for all your help,


  • Your interpretation is correct. The VOH values are the very worst case. So, at rated load they will be greater than 2V and similarly less than 0.5V at rated load. The Ron's will reduce from these worst case.
    Also most CMOS devices have stronger Nchannel. It takes a much larger Pchannel to match.
    In general it is safe to parallel outputs for CMOS devices. The AC and LVC(H) are CMOS families. The H in LVCH just represents that it has bus holders.

  • Hi Wade,

    Thanks again. I have another question regarding rise time.  What would be the expected output rise/fall time of the 74LVC2G126-EP dual buffer when driving a single, standard CMOS load (high impedance and ~ 5pF capacitance)?  Apparently, this is a number that is normally not specified in the datasheet, probably because it is load dependent?  Does the output rise/fall time depend on the input signal rise/fall time?  In order to simulate this buffer driving my transmission line, I need to assume something for a "nominal" rise/fall output time at the buffer output into the T.L (i.e. ignoring the capacitance associated with multiple loads at various distances down the line since the trace is long enough that it must be treated as a T.L., not as a "lumped element" circuit)

    Thanks again, Ted 

  • Ted, this FAQ entry has method of estimating rise/fall times.

  • Thanks very much Wade, that about covers it.