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SN74AHC14: Input threshold voltage limit (min and max) w.r.t. ambient temperature

Part Number: SN74AHC14


I also wanted to know the input voltage threshold (Vt+, Vt-) limit variation with respect to voltage and temperature. Looks like, the excel link in another thread pointed here, provided only the variation w.r.t. 3.3V input variation. could you please help me with the temperature range of 0 to 75 degC Ambient and input voltage 5V with 5% variation.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Thanks & Regards

Muthu A

  • Hi Muthu,

    We do not provide variation over temperature for the threshold voltage of the inputs. The values given in the datasheet will encapsulate the entire operating range of the part. So for 0C to 75C you will be in the temp range of the part and the values given in the datasheet will hold true over the entire temperature range as they are for worst case temperature.

    As for the supply variation. You can just download the excel and follow the instructions. You will get the following:

