Other Parts Discussed in Thread: LP-AM243
Dear Community,
- LP-AM243
- mcu_plus_sdk_am243x_08_02_00_28
- Code Composer Studio Version:
- profinet_device_rt_rgmii_demo_am243x-lp_r5fss0-0_freertos_ti-arm-clang
We have flash the LP-AM243 with the builded ".appimage" of the Demo Example "profinet_device_rt_rgmii_demo_am243x-lp_r5fss0-0_freertos_ti-arm-clang".
We Add the LP-AM243 to a Profinet Network with an Simatic S7:
-plc_1 = S7-1200
-dut = LP-AM243
Simatic S7 "dut" Settings:
We cannot send or get cyclic Data from both Sides:
1. We try to Send Data via S7-1200 with Forcing:
-> When we have a look with a Sniffer the data were send from the S7-1200
-> We set a breakpoint here:
->We dont receive any cyclic Data in the "dut":
2. We try to Send Data via LP-AM243:
-> When we have a look with a Sniffer the data were not send by the "dut"
-> And in the watching table of the S7-1200 shows that no data are received by the S7-1200
I found on this Support Ticket a link to a video what should explain the communication process, but the video dont exists anymore.
Video Link: https://tidrive.ext.ti.com/userportal/?v=4.5.2#/shared/public/zzrCPAY6wjHdOsI0/76487039-a0d0-42de-897e-52b1141e7362 (Password : 6SmN6F,f)
How i can send and receive Cyclic Data ?
Exists the Video what explaines the communication process anywhere?
Do you have a detailed Documentation of the Profinet Stack?
Thanks in advance for you help !!
Kind regards
Jonas Reich